Busch Gardens Tampa Bay:

Spooktacular: 2022

All rights reserved for Seaworld Entertainment and Busch gardens Tampa Bay

All featured Photos and Documents are owned by Seaward Parks and Entertainment (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay) these displays are solely for the use of portfolio representation and communicating my contributions to the festival.

Design Team

  • Malissa Spencer: Artistic Director

  • Alex “Gogo” Irwin: Lead Scenic Designer

  • Taylor Walters-Riggsbee: Assistant Scenic Designer

  • Loren Bracewell: Costume Designer

  • Nicole Labbe: Lead Scenic Charge

It was an absolute delight to work on this project and with the design team (both listed and not) at Busch Garden Tampa Bay.


Spooktacular 2023


4th of July 2022