“Our Town”

A production produced by the Nebraska Repertory Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Spring 2022.

For this Production of ‘Our Town’ the Director was interested in placing the people of Grovers Corner in an alternate reality, where things like prejudice, xenophobia, Homophobia, Racism, etc. did not exist. As my Director put it “What if it were the America that ‘Should have been’.

First Design Concept


I was interested in making the graveyard a memorial to the idea of “what America could have been”, with a monument of hand clasped together in unity. Eroded and weathered but with signs that it is being rebuilt. The idea of peace is not completely lost but is on its way to being beautiful and will thrive again.


Ideated Design


The Director wanted to go in a different direction than the monument and was interested in using a dilapidated church that then transformed into the frame work of a house. One that may have been constructed during the period of the town’s people. Toying with the balance of present day and the dream-like world that the Stage Manager is living in.

Final Design


We ended up taking an opportunity to play a little more with the design for ‘Our Town’. This is our Final Design and what will be produced for the realized production.

Show Photos

Design Team

  • Director: Arthur Feinsod

  • Costume Designer: Camille Lerner

  • Lighting Designer: Michelle Harvey

  • Technical Director: Liam Romano

  • Assistant Scenic Designer: Sydney Cook


Stop Kiss

